New Book! The Martin Family Legacy

During the 2019 Martin Family Christmas Dinner Banquet (Location: Columbus, Ohio) Howitt C. Martin had an announcement. To his side was Author and family friend Barry Duvall. Together they revealed Barry's latest work entitled, "The Martin Family Legacy, There’s Always Room For One More..."  In a collaborative effort, the two men pieced together the origins of the Martin Family in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. The intensive writing process included an investigation of local archives plus Howitt's own recollection. It had been a longtime goal of Howitt's to create a book about the Martin Family and with Barry's help, this dream is now a reality. Barry begins the book with a beautiful Preface detailing how their friendship was formed.

“In 2017, I met Howitt Martin at his home place, the family calls it “The Big House” on a Sunday afternoon just a week or so before the annual Martin Reunion. I introduced myself to him and to his nephew Kevin. We talked about the weather, the fact that I have recently moved in to the neighborhood, history and the Martin Family. The variety of subjects we addressed in a brief meeting seemed to immediately build a friendship between us.

Howitt asked me what I thought about a man that would fly confederate flag above a concrete lawn jockey. I paused and thought then answered, “If a man is so educated in history and knows the reasons for which each piece is displayed, it can be deemed acceptable, but if displayed with intentions of hate, the man is simply wrong.” I could almost feel his gaze upon me as I answered. Another pause came, then he sternly said, you are right and for one to display it in such hate is unacceptable. Howitt asked me if I would consider helping him write a book about the Martin Family. I told him I would consider it and we left it at that.

A year or so passed and Howitt contacted me and asked if I would work on that Martin book. I agreed and in January 2019, I began the task of gathering facts that would become this writing. I found many interesting pieces that I was eager to share with Howitt and we met on a regular basis to discuss them. It is nearing the end of 2019 as I make my final edits on the Martin work and I hope my research honors the Martin Family.

I have met several family members and have made as many friends. Howitt has provided many photos and facts used. Much of the research was done in my own study with additional records found in the Muhlenberg County Courthouse. This is a true story of how one man, Lourenza Dow Martin, who was once a slave became successful in business and taught his children that education and hard work is the key to success. The Martin family represent that model well still today as they have become leaders in their communities all across the nation. Their family and legacy is now written in this book.” (Duvall, 2019)

Interested in learning more about Martin History?

Visit the Store to order a copy of The Martin Family Legacy.

Martin Family

a hardworking family business


Getting Back To Nature - Edible Forest Garden on Martin Acres